+61 (0) 433 761 500

Geology Services

Contact Us

How We Can Help

Our geographic experience crosses most continents. We have lived and worked in Australia, Canada and Chile and worked on projects in all states of Australia, in Asia (China, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Yemen), North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), South America (Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Guyana), Africa (Ghana, Cote D’Ivore, Mali, South Africa) and Europe (Sweden, Turkey, Austria).

GEOLOGY Services

  • Exploration and geology services and project management, independent project review, project generation and targeting, training.
  • Our focus is to value add with geology and to make the most of your exploration dollar. We understand exploration risk and opportunity, believing that exploration and mineral resources underpin the future of your company and the resources sector.
  • We assist with project generation, property selection and strategic commodity selection.

Exploration & Geology Services


Project Management


Independent Project Review

Project Generation & Targeting


Why Work With Us


We have worked in the world’s most productive terranes for gold, nickel, base metals, iron ore and uranium with the world largest resources companies. Our experience extends to energy minerals and tech metals. Our reports are prepared under the guidelines of the JORC Code and the VALMIN Code.  


We have worked across the globe and reviewed numerous projects and can draw on this experience to bring new insights.

Our geology services include exploration program reviews, data integration for target generation and exploration strategy for your resources portfolio.


From junior explorers to major mining companies we work with your teams to assist with your programs or bring a new perspective. Our reviews provide clear and concise reports with conclusions and recommendations for ongoing work.

Get In Touch

6 + 15 =


PO Box 1506

West Perth WA 6872


T: +61 (0) 433 761 500


PO Box 1506
West Perth WA 6872